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Spiritual Intuition

January 15, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


In this class, you’re going to experience the energy of psychism

We’re all psychic, whether we know it or not: a mother’s gut feeling, knowing when someone’s going to call, getting a good or bad vibe about a person or situation. Some people might call this “street smarts” or chalk it up to good luck enjoyed by a fortunate few, but the truth is we all have this innate ability to read the room on a psychic level and know things before they happen. How do we consciously tap into these abilities and make them work for us?

This class is an introduction to the same psychic development tools that King Solomon used to train his mystics, healers, and shamans thousands of years ago – and which secret societies still use today.

In this class, you’re going to experience the energy of psychism: clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. We’ll also walk you through exercises to help you expand your consciousness and your psychic abilities.


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General Admission
$ 20.00
10 available


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