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The Temple allowed me to take my experience and understanding to a much deeper level than I believe I would have been able to if we had not had the Temple.

Deanna B.

Sandy has the perfect voice to lead meditations.. very soothing and even… she was amazing at holding energy for us .. I am really grateful she did these classes for me…

Ki S.

I’ve noticed significant growth since Enochian temple in May.

Jasmin A.

I asked for something very specific in temple where I experienced such deep learnings just from preparing for temple and then an explosion of energy during and after temple. I was so high!!!!!! It was interesting to receive the insight and see that “miracles” are often preceded by us doing the deep inner work. Then…like magick I started seeing the answers to my request. Not just the answer but the fulfillment of what I had asked for. Really…you can’t make this stuff up.

Mariel A.

Another shift I’ve been noticing is in my spouse….I have the inner intuitive knowing that some of the motivation and positive changes that he is working on in himself and his/our life is a direct result of my requests in the Temple. I think it has helped him to really step up to the plate and make a decision on what he needs and wants to do to move into the next layer of himself and his growth.


SGF and the teachings have been life changing. The teachings have been extremely impactful, informative and live changing. The ability to ask questions in a comfortable atmosphere and take the teachings even deeper than thought possible has taken this class to a whole other level. I look forward to more teachings in this lineage.

Marce H.

I recently have been going thru a personal period of challenges. From my heart of hearts I can say that being part of ” The Society of the Guardian of the Flame” has changed my life in a very positive way. Reaching out knowing that I had the support I was able to take the next steps.

Chris S.

I have also found an incredible family in SGF and an amazing Master Teacher in SGF who is one of a kind, compassionate, caring and a solid human being. While there are many amazing teachers within SGF who care about your inner most evolution to be an incredible human, these people truly care about this planet’s well being as well. Deeply committed to their work helping each other as well as others.

Kerri B.

I am always thinking of ways I can be better and how I can spread light everywhere I go. I can feel my power growing and my connection to our lineage getting deeper. I have set up two additional altars and I can feel the beautiful energy that they are bringing into my home. All of my senses are heightened and all around I really do just feel different, more awake and aware.

Crystle W.

I didn’t really know what it was I was getting into. All I knew was that I heard the calling and I craved sovereignty and to be of service more than anything. It’s been an magical ride for sure. Things feel so familiar to my soul and even so…they push me in a beautiful way.

Mariel A.

One of my requests was to resolve my daughter’s hearing loss in a way that was beneficial to her. In December, a good family friend paid for my daughter to receive the best hearing aids on the market as well as 12 months of audiology appointments, tunings, fittings, etc. Now she is much happier and doing extremely well in school. BOOM! Problem solved…

Noel S.

Inside the temple, I could physically feel my heart growing larger, shining light, love, and compassion to all of creation. I am working on maintaining the expansion in my heart and learning to integrate it into my life. To feel light and love shining through me, and to begin to experience how it can reach and touch others, inspires me to step forward into a life of service. I have begun to actively take steps in that direction, and I am preparing for those that lay beyond. Resistance sheds more easily. Obstacles and core issues present themselves more clearly. Many moments of impossible beauty and unbelievable fortune have happened in my life since the temple. During the regular moments of life, I can feel my compassion for my brothers and sisters expanded and flowing, making the ride sweeter and gentler. I am more alive.

Erin F.

I love our…crew and all the light we bring down in our temples!!! It’s impossible to describe what that means without experiencing it. Can’t wait to keep serving! This is some amazing shit. 🙂 Dani B. Enochian Temple Hall of Warrior Community, Service, Spiritual Experience

Dani B.

Throughout my life I’ve been searching for my purpose. I found myself attracted to healing expo’s and tarot card readers. Every time I attended one of these events, I left with someone else holding the key to my life. Then I found SGF! They handed me my own key and gave me the tools needed to unlock who I am!

Jana B.

People around me this past week have mentioned feeling calmer in their lives compared to the past few months. They feel a bit more hopeful despite deep sadness around us.

Amber M.

[I realized] Learning, internalizing, coming to know that I am the sovereign of my life, royalty, and that I can live as such in any moment or scenario. Practiced treating everything as holy, re-framing everything as such, and seeing everyone as their highest and best self. Realized that in choosing to see and hold others as the Divine Beings they are I can better know God, better know myself, better serve myself, and better serve others.

Erin F.

One positive thing I notice, now that you’re asking, is that people started reaching out to me for readings and healing. I had a new client last week!

Kiymbah T.

It’s always a healing on some level, or an awakening or something gets cleared..

Ki S.

I now practice living my life everyday…by being patient and more conscious with everything I do, including my rituals!, being more in a meditative state throughout my day, practicing reverence with everything I do and being less judgemental, and showing up more in my god self. Temple has really helped me make a big shift in my life and integrate these practices!

Jasmin A.

Coming from a dark place of my soul, SGF awakened a light in me that was dull for years. They gave me keys to unlock my hidden teachings and healings so that I can be a true beacon of light to serve my self and my community . Thank you for awakening the light in me.

Karen G.

I feel I have shifted to a stronger vibration.

Chris S.

My primary request was for assistance in improving my physical health through dietary change and exercise because I lack the self discipline. It has only been two weeks but so far I have a strong inner guidance of pursuing better food and dietary plans as well as starting to exercise again.

Sandy K.

[The ritual] really transforms me, the energy, the sense of self, the sense of purpose, and the sense of mission.

Rand M.

The power and potency of that temple were unlike anything I have ever felt before. It was incredible.

Crystle W.

Being a Guardian is continually stretching me to be the best version of myself, regardless of my conscious participation! Somewhere deep inside of myself reconized the amazing opportunity and said “yes” to Initiation and I am forever grateful that I did. It’s exciting to participate and witness my own birth! Somehow a child’s hope and dream from long ago is actually possible.

Sue A.

I experienced a lot of growth at this event.

James W.

I really enjoyed the shamanic rituals…I feel like it connected me to a very old part of my soul, I’ve always felt very connected to the celtic tradition and this has given me a new avenue to explore that with.

James W.

I can see that my life is shifting well for me to serve.

Amber M.

I will undoubted audit these classes if given a chance.. I will audit any class that I physically can if given the chance.. going to audit Healers when it comes up again.. It was an amazing week for me. Amazing.. Very Very Grateful for all What I haven’t spent enough time saying is what a great teacher Sandy is.. and she is..”

Ki S.

I never had any ambition to be a Guardian. I enjoyed the Initiation of Light and thought I was a Healer and was determined to follow that path. I did embark on the Healer’s journey. But my soul gave me enough information to take another step, then another. Quite to my surprise, one day it felt like I “needed” to do this Guardian thing. And, frankly, it was the best decision I ever made.

Sue A.

I struggle to be in the drivers seat. But the fact that I can even see this stuff at all and have a genuine desire to fix it is a massive improvement for me. I am starting to consciously surface and break free.

Kelly H.

I also prayed for help with my physical health and becoming motivated to choose better and healthier options for myself and get out of my rut. When I got home, I felt like I needed to have a physical, so I made an appointment. While I’m pretty healthy overall, there were a few items in my bloodwork that I needed to see to make me think about how I want to do my life and what choices I need to make to improve those numbers so that they don’t become a problem. I think all of this and how I’m feeling about moving forward with a plan is a direct result of Raphael Temple because I was not motivated before and didn’t really have a desire to look at this.

Deanna B.

Almost every day in Malkuth brought about revelations and transformation in my life…All of these things have worked together to help me approach what would normally be very disturbing family drama from a much more balanced, protected, elevated, and ultimately much more loving place.

Erin F.

I am so grateful for this healing.. there is so much more I could say.. but the most important part is that it has changed my life, empowered me, made me more aware of my strength and abilities..

Ki S.

My entire life has been shifting and moving things around in a way that I can see and hear some of the cracks that I have let go for long time that I really need to heal. It’s allowed me to start looking at my choices and think about what is important in a deep and profound way, and it has motivated me in a way that I haven’t felt before. And, while this process is difficult, the road through it has not been very hard. I think it’s because I’m working with the process and not against it with so much resistance, as I normally do, and I truly believe the Raphael Temple has helped smooth the road for this journey I’m on with my requests and prayers and gave me the motivation and clarity that I was looking for.

Deanna B.

I am seeing for the first time what this society (sgf) we are part of is, how energetically interconnected we are, how we are connected to you as our teacher, how we all have a massive responsibility to eachother and all of humanity

Kelly H.

During the Egyptian Meditation I felt extremely humbled to be able to experience such an abundant about of energy with my fellow brothers and sisters and the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. During the meditation, the messages I received came through quickly and clearly.

Jana B.

[As a result of the Malkuth initiation] Identified limiting beliefs and began to work on letting them go – around money, being seen, perfectionism, shielding, control, living in duality, ability to live and thrive in my physical life, physical discomfort, pain, wounding. I can choose to recreate all of these stories in a way that empowers me and helps me live expansively and magickally!

Erin F.

I am grateful to be in this Guardian energy. It feels lighter and I am not in the depression energies.

Chris S.

The mystery schools class was amazing

Ki S.

[As a result of Kabbalah] I know that my life is transforming and the thought of that is exhilarating. I am eager for the transformation and welcome it with open arms.

Melissa L.

The meditations were amazing… I did learn a lot about where I resist in opening my chakras.

Ki S.

I loved the Crystal healings and the crystal readings really upped my confidence.

Ki S.

this temple weekend was great, I grew a lot and I am bringing that growth into my daily life.

James W.

[I gained]Increased understanding and awareness of the power of thought and how our thoughts become our realities. Consciously working on choosing the thoughts I allow airtime.

Erin F.

I got sooooooo much from the teachings that were handed down that week!! That Enochian class really got me going, and I’m still reflecting on a lot of the material that we got into. The imagery around the watchtowers and the implications about time and karma were pretty profound.

Zara B.

After years of searching, I found my people! SGF teachers and members are the real deal! Caring, compassionate, and creative individuals who walk the walk and talk the talk. We are an intentional community here to serve humanity through action!

Jana B.

Overall, going to the temple was a great learning and service experience for me. I am so glad I haven’t missed one yet.

Amber M.

I have been a student of metaphysical teachings for many years now…I had found years ago that where you study and who you choose as a Master Teacher is an extremely important choice…There is a true calling that lies within and when you hear it, you then start to search for your path. I have now found myself…within an incredible & powerful ancient lineage in which the SGF is founded upon.

Kerri B.

[As a result of the Malkuth initiation]Letting go of an unhealthy pattern of shielding myself through perfectionism.

Erin F.

Quite literally, and in my subjective experience as well, the temple of Raphael pierced a veil between the world of humans and the realm of the Divine. The experience has already brought me incredible gifts of healing (beyond what I could have even known to ask or wish for). It has also exposed opportunities where action on my part must rise to meet Divine will. I do not yet understand all of the healing, lessons, new experiences, signs, and synchronicities that I have been given and shown (continuing to come in abundance), but they are there, and without a doubt, and the Universe is speaking to me palpably. My senses have opened up and begun to listen. Paths are unfolding. I am beginning to better know my Higher Self; to see and understand her more clearly.

Erin F.

“This is some of the most moving and powerful work I have done with SGF. I can’t describe the emotion that arises, the rightness of where I am, being called to service in a particular way.

Rand M.

Most important for me is that SGF holds true to lineage, offering incredibly deep teachings and all while based on Integrity, Caring and Empowering peoples lives. If your soul is at all “searching” for a path that will bring great change to you and your life, this may be the community and place for you to start or enhance your studies of life, love, gifts, empowerment, passion and compassion.

Kerri B.

[As a result of the Malkuth initiation] Began to practice pausing before reacting, and re-framing situations from my perspective and my wisdom. (Finding wisdom within rather than without.)

Erin F.

[As a result of the Malkuth initiation] Improved in being more present/focused at work. This has led to greater efficiency and opened up greater space for other areas of my life.

Erin F.

When I got home the world seemed different, almost like I was awake but everyone else was sleeping.

Karen G.

I have felt calmer internally. I also have noticed that I am dealing with deeper core issues releasing. Generational ones, patterns, etc.

Amber M.

The Raphael Temple took me out of the fog of illusion. I was able to perceive and release negative attachments and beliefs that no longer served me. Healing is taking place also in my physical body, What I asked for, is opening up in my life now. Please, don’t miss this powerful, loving and healing temple with AA Raphael. I am so looking forward to the next Raphael Temple.

Lynda R.

Today was the first day I incorporated all the rituals into my day. I have to say it was an amazingly powerful experience and it feels like my core temperature rises. The pentagram meditation, for me, is perfect in that it can quiet my mind and give me that meditation time until I have really gotten to the point in the sanctuary meditation that I feel confident.

Ki S.

I’m starting to respond to drama differently. I am managing my energy better and becoming more aware of shadows and their influence on myself and others. I meditate regularly now.

Kelly H.

I felt so much love and clarity all day. I was touched by the love and concern everyone had for each other. I also enjoyed learning more about Angels and their hierarchy. I have felt and seen physical changes in my body and just feel overall that things have shifted even if I dont see it all yet. I am so blessed to have attended and cant wait to attend again.

Amber M.

The zoom discussions have been helpful and very enjoyable. With your teaching and “suggestions” I am in the process of practicing my meditations on a more regular basis.

Chris S.

As for Guardians, I didn’t realize there would be such a shift and such a leap in self. I don’t feel like the same person…I have felt this drive and want and desire to be more and to be better.

Crystle W.

I really enjoy learning things on the warrior path and the idea of the “Warrior Healer” comes to mind.

James W.

I left the weekend feeling filled with light with great inner peace and my heart wide open feeling love for all.

Sandy K.

I feel like I am gaining back more clarity and sense of myself everyday. It’s scary to come out of “the cave” and see where I am now on some things but also the only way to progress. It is helping me remember how to not make perfect the enemy of good and to love myself where I am without lying to myself about what that means.

Dani B.

I felt very centered, focused and in tune with the higher parts of myself. I feel that I was able to control my mind in a way I have never been able to accomplish before and I was able to really step it up and be a warrior.

Crystle W.

I have noticed a sustained feeling of feeling feminine, more goddess -like, softer, my heart is more open. I have also been more financially abundant.

Stephanie K.

Being a part of the lineage SGF is in has made a huge difference in my life. I would be much worse off today had it not been for the initiations and healings I received.

Staci L.

The whole program felt incredibly fruitful and transformative. I can feel that I have moved out of the stagnant area in my life and the light is able to flow through me better. Even in my most down times I am transformed.

Crystle W.

There are so many positive things I could say about my journey with this school and this ancient lineage. The teachers are wonderful and are more like facilitators because they teach in a way that allows you to recognize the truth within, whether it’s intuitive knowledge or diving deeper into who you really are. There is no fluff here, meaning we learn and work with our truth, heal what needs to be healed and embrace our empowered selves.

Melissa L.

The most profound experience of the Temple was the way I was greeted by Raphael – I was most clearly and emphatically greeted as brother – such deep, intense and familiar recognition as brother, and love as a brother, was quite unexpected, and I am still reeling from the ramifications every time I touch it again in reflection. It totally re-orders/realigns every bit of egoic sense of self that I have held, and still continues to unfold within me.

Rand R.

As we finished I knew that we had accomplished something really good. In the news that Monday and Tuesday, I heard signs of energy shifts in the chaos…signified to me a break in the negative energy in our world, country, and home, a seemingly minor mention in the news, but very significant energetically.

Susan R.

When I returned from Temple…I felt an overwhelming appreciation for my beautiful family and our lovely life….As I entered the start of the next week, the world was on my side again. More so then ever before! Seeds that I’ve been planting for months suddenly began to sprout.

Dani B.

Raphael Temple was the most moving experience I have ever had! The beautiful energy filling the temple space opened my heart so much that I saw truths I had never seen before, or understood until this temple. These truths healed my heart, and brought to a place of peace so intensely beautiful that it took days to even begin to process!

Susan R.

Now at home, I see myself not so afraid of being seen and I’m trusting myself more and more. I’m also noticing that my intuition is expanding big time! I’m being woken up and writing things down and then it comes true. But it’s not like a parlor game, it’s more like I’m actively working closer with the Hierarchy of Light.

Ki S.

SGF is a community destined to serve! Whether you are searching for healing, self knowledge, service work, or understanding the deep secrets of this world, SGF has a place for YOU!

Jana B.

Every Temple, every weekend we get together, is a shift for me. In perspective, in trusting myself.. and what I “see” during preparing for temple.

Ki S.

The energy of the TREE and the Beings is so real.

Mariel A.

[As a result of the Malkuth initiation] Cultivated an attitude and practice of self-discipline from a place of love.

Erin F.

I am glad I experienced Egyptian [Temple]…it was so beautiful and majestic.

Chris S.

Becoming part of this lineage was like coming home for me.

Staci L.

In SGF you will find genuine good people and the head of the Society is an ocean of knowledge. You couldn’t ask for a better group of people to work along side. If you’re looking for a way to reach your true potential, this is it.”

Staci L.

It was a life changing experience for me! I finally got to meet people that I can call my family and will have my back! The world right now is a scary place and you don’t know what’s coming next. I am so glad that I am a Guardian and can protect myself and others from the darkness that is all around us.

Ed Y.

I did the…rituals, set my space and felt the energy very strong coming in as soon as I started I felt very centered and strong.

Karen G.

In the days after temple, there was an odd processing period and then a release of old hurts going back over a decade — stuff that was really holding me back from moving forward. I’ve now had an easier time seeing the truth in situations and reframing my mindset, and my brain feels less obsessive. I’ve since received a clear message from Raphael that a laser-focused mind can be more beneficial if turned to productive activities.

Carolyn A.

The takeaways were profound…and what I realized is that if I could do this then I could do anything. I pushed myself beyond limits I knew were possible and with that came a very big change in my perspective of things and how I choose to live my life everyday.

Jasmin A.

When we visualize the light flowing, I realized at one point that I was taking very deep breaths. With every exhale I felt the light low further and further. When I was done flowing the light I felt so much peace.

Jana B.

This experience was amazing.

Ki S.

I felt scared at first getting initiated but I felt very welcomed. After the initiation I felt very strong and centered and also I had a deep feeling of love.

Karen G.

I have skirted around events most of my adult looking for something “real” and “true”. Nothing I have ever encountered was as real and profound as the healing initiated by Anna. thanks to everything Anna had done to prepare for me and thanks to my guides and those Blessed Goddesses.. I saw and I felt and was overwhelmed.. and parts of me were physically healed that I never expected.. This was such an amazing experience and I can still call on that “feeling”.. and that “power’..

Ki S.

SGF has been an extremely supportive place to be, to learn and to just be who I am. Compared to other spiritual communities, SGF by far been the best for my spiritual growth and supportive during life events.

Marce H.

I definitely noticed a big difference in myself. I’m not sure if it was temple or being initiated as a Guardian or a combo of both. My mind is clearer, stable and more calm.

Rose L.

I’ve noticed: a massive increase in general self awareness. My own self-awareness. And the self awareness of others.

Kelly H.

I feel like I am able to make progress and start making different choices now, which eluded me before.

Rand M.

Something in the last few days has shifted all that and I am more in tune with positive energy, feel more energized, and moving forward with my upcoming programs and classes – with a huge amount of excitement!! I also have recognized that it is time to get out and not hide in my own community any more!

Susan R.

The effectiveness and range of teachings where healing is concerned far exceeds those that are most commonly found elsewhere.

Staci L.

The Raphael Temple was an amazing and profound experience. Richard raised the vibration in the temple wherein I felt I was in Heaven. AA Raphael appeared before me, and I felt his healing energy flowing through me. I received clarity and understanding.

Lynda R.

It’s almost as if a small part of myself is now tapped into the potential of that energy to begin a relationship with…I can feel that connection to the bigger and stronger potential.

Crystle W.

In the two weeks since I have been home I have found a new fervor for wanting to do this work.

Stephanie K.

Saturday during the meditation in and out of the beacon temple I felt really calm and light. Comforted. We did the manifesting ritual. I have seen an increase in opportunities businesswise and for the things I asked for during the ritual. I am still waiting to see more unfolding and excited for it.

Amber M.

The Beacon Temple was the most beautiful energy and was just what I needed at the time. I immediately connected to it, and it truly touched my heart so deeply.

Deanna B.

[As a result of the Malkuth initiation] Practiced and experienced the magick of living more lightly – flowing with life’s situations, challenges, emotions, and anxieties, rather than resisting them, getting stuck in them. Life is flowing much more smoothly now!

Erin F.

I loved this week .. It was so amazing to spend the time with Sandy.. I truly cherished this time with Sandy.


It was a great group of people all coming together for one goal: to bring MORE Light in this world and help people see the Light and go towards it!

Ed Y.

Since egyptian temple, my sexual energy and drive is cleaner. Hard to explain but my feminine energy has been affected in a positive way.

Stephanie K.

I have been in so much pain after that..30 plus years.. and now it’s just gone..

Ki S.

I am noticing how everyone is growing and it seems that we are growing more into “ourselves” than I’ve ever experienced elsewhere.

Ki S.

Temple weekend was a pretty large shift for me internally. The whole experience from beginning to end had profound realizations and growth and transformation for me.

Crystle W.

I loved these classes… they were fun and informative, and validated much of what I already believed and in my core .. knew. People don’t have such a great imagination to have made up all that we see or write about in “fantasy”.. has to come from somewhere.

Ki S.

My main personal concern is believing in myself, not having confidence not that the Hierarchy is working thru me, but rather that I am worthy of the Hierarchy working thru me. This lack of “worthiness’ is actually dissipating.. so yes.. Ultimately I asked to be “empowered” and I am feeling stronger. I feel like all my request have been worked on and it is a continuous healing. I am not a outwardly emotional person, so the more I process, I think the more healing is done..

Ki S.

SGF offers ways for people to be of service to humanity and the planet that I haven’t found anywhere else.

Staci L.