Founding and Lineage

The founder of our society was initiated into the highest grade of magickal practice in the Solomonic tradition after many decades of metaphysical study.

Our physical lineage can be traced from the founder of our society, through the Golden Dawn in England, and all the way back to King Solomon himself.

What we believe

I have been a student of metaphysical teachings for many years now enjoying my spiritual evolution, learning, growing and navigating through life feeling increasingly empowered. I have found myself within an incredible & powerful ancient lineage in which the SGF is founded upon.
Throughout my life I’ve been searching for my purpose. I found myself attracted to healing expos and tarot card readers. Every time I attended one of these events, I left with someone else holding the key to my life. Then I found SGF! They handed me my own key and gave me the tools needed to unlock who I am!
SGF has been an extremely supportive place to be and to learn in.
SGF teachers and members are the real deal! Caring, compassionate, and creative individuals who walk the walk and talk the talk. We are an intentional community here to serve humanity through action!
Most important for me is that SGF holds true to lineage, offering incredibly deep teachings and all while based on Integrity, Caring and Empowering peoples lives.

You are an eternal being.